Odor Control Products
For Those Who Care!

Life Can Be Normal For Colostomy Individuals!

Ostomy care supplies and products were created to assist individuals live a normal life after going through a major surgery. The two most common reasons an individual would receive a colostomy would be for crohn�s disease or colon cancer. The initial thought for many people, after receiving a colostomy, is knowing their life will change forever. In some ways this is true but thanks to ostomy supplies and products they�ll find themselves living normal lives. Every day technology increases and more efficient products are being developed to make it more comfortable and hassle free for colostomy individuals or colostomates. Flat-D Innovations has taken it one step further and developed products to eliminate ostomy odors associated with the ostomy bag. By utilizing the technology used in the Flatulence Deodorizer our staff was able to create products to adapt to the stoma area and the ostomy bag. By doing this we were able to eliminate the embarrassment caused by the odor leakage. The product is also available as an ileostomy odor control supply item.

For more info view our Ostomy products page at www.Flat-d.com/ostomyproducts.html

ABOUT FLAT-D: Flat-D Innovations, Inc., privately-held and headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is the leader in flatulence odor control products. Flat-D Innovations has helped thousands of people worldwide (USA & International) and has gained recognition among the medical community. The Flatulence Deodorizer is Doctor Recommended, FDA Registered, Patented, Better Business Bureau listed, and has been proven to be effective against odors associated with flatulence. By neutralizing the odors, The Flatulence Deodorizer eliminates the embarrassment (caused by the odor) and helps give these people back their freedom. �The Flatulence Deodorizer is the simplest, non-drug solution for the most disgusting of odors (flatulence)�. The company has expanded their offering to include chair pads, incontinence pads, ostomy products, and even canine gas deodorizing diapers.

Contact Frank Morosky at Flat-D Innovations, Inc.

Email: Frank@Flat-D.com

Or: Brian Conant at Brian@flat-d.com

Toll Free 1-866-354-0056

International 319-447-4840

Website www.flat-d.com