Men-D Conquering Man's Worst Odor
Product Description
Protect yourself from embarrassing odors with the new Men-D flatulence deodorizer. The unique diamond-shaped pad made of a patented charcoal cloth absorbs and removes intestinal gas odors. Designed specifically for men, the Men-D hugs the body to provide improved coverage and inconspicuous protection against unpleasant, embarrassing odors. Men-D lines the underwear for highly effective, comfortable odor control, wherever you go.

Placement of Men-D in underwear
Package Includes:
1- Washable- Reusable pad and 10- pieces of double sided tape
Men-D pad will last for several weeks depending on usage. Must be worn with tight fitting underwear.

Placement of Men-D in underwear
Package Includes:
1- Washable- Reusable pad and 10- pieces of double sided tape
Men-D pad will last for several weeks depending on usage. Must be worn with tight fitting underwear.

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