From the inventor - Brian Conant
Put an End to
Personal Body Odor Problems
for Good!
Does excessive flatulence, incontinence or feminine odor stifle your life? Are you refraining from living a complete lifestyle - one to the fullest - because of embarrassing, uncontrollable odors or mishaps?

Hello, and welcome to Flat-D Innovations!
I am the Inventor who has created a product that is revolutionizing the personal hygiene industry around the world. The Flatulence Deodorizer will not only solve a problem but will also enhance/improve the quality of life for people, by eliminating the embarrassment caused by the odor from flatulence. My name is Brian J. Conant, President of Flat-D Innovations, Inc. and Inventor of The Flatulence Deodorizer (U.S. Patent-6,313,371)
The Flatulence Deodorizer is a three-ply activated charcoal cloth pad, that is secured inside the underwear similar to a panty liner. It absorbs the intestinal gas odor right at the source before it gets into the air, and before others can smell it.
*The pad actually fits inside the underwear and isn't bulgy or detectible.
Over the past 5-years, we've been able to touch and help thousands of people around the world with Our Products. If you think you're alone with your dilemma, realize that over 20% of the United States population (60-million) suffers from one or more medical disorder, that causes excessive flatulence. It is much more common than you may think.
The medical condition Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), by it self, has roughly 44-million people in the United States that have been diagnosed with or suffer from the symptoms. Seventy (70) percent of those people are females ranging from the ages of 29 to 60 years old.
I have spoken to thousands of individuals who sought effective solutions. And I am pleased to say that these folks no longer live limiting lives, always worried about enduring an embarrassing mishap around others. These people have simply put an end to the anxiety and embarrassment of it all, and you can too!
No matter what caused your condition (cancer,chemotherapy, surgery, illness, medication, etc.) Flat-D Innovations can definitely help you!
"This product will eliminate your flatulence odor problem as soon as you start using it."
Chuck B.- Taxi Driver
"I can't believe I finally found something that works for me, to the point of not having to worry about releasing a fart in public anymore. Thank you!"
Laura C. - Secretary
"I had become a hermit after a very embarrassing experience I had happen to me. I avoided meetings and made my office off limits to everyone except my personal secretary. After using your product for a few weeks I realized that I would be able to let down the barriers and enjoy life again. I cannot ever thank you enough for how you've helped me."
Stephen J. - CEO
These are just a few of the hundreds of exciting Success Stories in our files. Flat-D's solutions are trusted, doctor recommended and remain the #1 name in odor control products. Daily, we change the lives of so many people.
The biggest question we hear from the people we speak to is, "Does it really work?" Yes they do. See our Charcoal Technology page for details. And needless to say, we would not still be in business and receiving so many repeat orders for as long as we have if our products didn't work. My staff and I are so confident that our products will work for you that we offer a full, 100% money-back guarantee on the price of the products you purchase.
Please go to the Web page of your interest by clicking the appropriate side bar link and take a look at how affordable, discrete and simple-to-use our products really are.
Find out for yourself that Flat-D offers "Personal Hygiene Solutions that Can Change Your Life!"

Brian J. Conant
Flat-D Innovations, Inc.